Conference Handbook
This handbook provides information on the organization of ACL conferences (including ACL, EACL, NAACL-HLT, AACL, and EMNLP), while it is also partially applicable to other ACL-related events (e.g. workshops).
A large part of this handbook is borrowed from the old version of the conference handbook, and significantly reorganized and updated to follow the latest information of ACL conferences.
The ACL conference officer is mainly responsible for maintaining this handbook, while contributions from conference chairs/organizers are necessary. The source of the handbook is put in the github repository. Conference chairs/organizers should send pull requests for updating the contents of each document.
ACL Policies
The organization of ACL conferences must follow the ACL policies listed below.
- Policy on registering domain names for conferences
- Policy on joint conferences
- Double submission policy for conferences
- ACL efficient NLP policy
- ACL sponsorship COI policy
- ACL policies for submission, review, and citation
- ACL document retention and destruction policy
- ACL conference consistency policy
- ACL conference conflict-of-interest policy
- ACL conflict-of-interest policy
- ACL whistleblower protection policy
- Anti-harassment policy
- ACL privacy policy
- ACL COVID policy
- ACL conference awards policy
- ACL policy on involvement of exec members in conferences
The following documents are also relevant:
- Short-term reform proposals for ACL reviewing
- ACL rolling review proposal
- Review data collection at *ACL
- Formation of the ACL ethics committee
Guidelines for conference organization
- Conference schedule
- Budgets
- Remote conference presentation
- Invited speakers and their reimbursements
- Conference acronym
ACL Exec Duties
Conference Chair Duties
- General Chair
- Local Organization Chair
- Program Chair
- Publication Chair
- Handbook Chair
- Workshop Chair
- Tutorial Chair
- Demo Chair
- Industry Track Chair (TBA)
- Student Research Workshop
- Student Volunteer Chairs
- Sponsorship Chair
- Exhibits Chair
- Publicity Chair
- Website Chair
- Virtual Infrastructure Chair
- Ethics Chair
- Diversity and Inclusion Chair
- Technical Open Review Chair
- Internal Communication Chair