Publication Chairs

The Publications Chairs (or "pub chairs" for short) are responsible for producing the entire proceedings of the conference, including the main conference proceedings, companion volume(s), and workshop proceedings, and then delivering them to the Anthology director. Most of these volumes are actually edited by a separate book chair, responsible for the corresponding event (workshop, demo session, etc.), but the pub chairs are responsible for coordinating the whole process. In addition, the pub chairs are normally the book chair for at least the main conference proceedings and companion volume(s).

The production process is greatly facilitated by the ACLPUB package, a set of scripts, templates, and makefiles originally created by Jason Eisner and Philipp Koehn for ACL 2005 and subsequently modified by other pub chairs. This package has been integrated into Softconf's STARTv2 system, and most publications and book chairs will use it that way.

Refer to the following sites for more details.