Virtual Infrastructure Chair

VI chairs responsabilities and tasks drastically changed from before ACL 2024 and after ACL 2024.

Previously, VI chairs had to handle the whole website (, to ensure it is up and runing smoothly, and to integrate a chat between participants. This was made using miniconf for the website, Rocket.Chat: Communications Platform You Can Fully Trust for the chat, and then enabling a centralized authentication with Underline for instance. Hence, previously, Virtual chair handled the miniconf (website dedicated to the virtual conference) and the chat between authors and the audience. However, the GatherTown part was handled by Underline.

Now, Virtual chairs duties focus more on handling the administrative set up of Whova, along with the moderation of participants behavior and any issues that they may face on this matter. The whole virtual sessions, video, etc. are handled by Underline.

Main responsabilities and duties

Duties range from setting the virtual environement (hosting, pricing, website, link with underline, accounts, etc.) as much as possible before the conference. Then, virtual chair duties mainly consist of being very reactive and available the week before the conference to finalize and adapt the information (acl anthology links, schedule updates and so on). Finally, during the conference, virtual chairs have to stay alert to face any kinds of issues that may arise.

To sum it up, here is a list of duties: - Whova set up - Whova administration - Communication with Underline for centralized authentication and information - Whova moderation - Whova replies to "Ask Organizers Anything" topic to help participants

Whova Mandatory Tasks

Whova micro-blogging and moderation is essentially the work of both IC and Virtual Chairs. Virtual chairs should be on the lookup for the "ask organizers anything" mandatory forum in whova, and they should use all their previous information gathering/dispatching work done by the Internal Communication chairs to do the same and help. The "Ask organizers anything" topic, is the duty of several people, with an emphasis on the virtual chairs. Information can come from internal communication chairs, virtual chairs, local organizators (chairs and associates). Do not expect Program and General chairs to delve into it. Virtual chairs should pry for information if necessary.